From Halloween to Home Alone: how John Hughes made the slasher movie safe for kids
What do Michael Myers and Kevin McCallister have in common? We make a case for Home Alone as a slasher movie. Read more......
The life and death of the creative computer virus
We look back at the electronic graffiti of the earliest hackers and recreate the payloads of 1991's most wanted viruses. Read more......
Inside the largest queer event at New York Fashion Week
Photographer Andrew Boyle captured some of the characters whose diversity gave life to the VERGE New York Fashion Week show. Read more......
Study: having a baby sucks more than divorce, unemployment, and death of a partner
Sorry mom, sorry dad. Read more......
California reservoir is using millions of black shade balls to prevent water evaporation
The City of Los Angeles has just filled their 175-acre reservoir with 96 million 4-inch black plastic balls to prevent water evaporation. Read more......
Wheaties and Fulton Brewery just made beer part of a complete breakfast
All we wanna do is drink beer for breakfast! Read more......
The cat laptop, with scratching post-keyboard, has arrived
Of course, it comes with a mouse. Read more......
Parmigiano Reggiano seeking legal action against PornHub Premium for "distasteful" use of brand name
PornHub recently launched its $9.99 subscription service, and an advertisement endorsing it which uses Parmigiano Reggiano cheese as a selling point. Read more......
Parents' math anxiety affects kids' performance more than genetics, study finds
A new study finds that children of parents with anxiety around math who provided frequent homework help were learned less math over the school year and grew to be math-anxious themselves. Read more......
"LOL" is dead, according to Facebook
According to a new study by Facebook, the use of "lol" has declined steeply to express laughter or amusement and is being replaced by "haha" and its variants. Read more......
A hot guide to peppers, from mild to violent
We’re tracking the history of the chile pepper, why it’s so darn spicy, and how that little chile gave rise to the hottest hot sauces in the world. Read more......
Lack of education is as deadly as smoking
In 2010, 145,243 deaths could have been saved if the population who did not finish high school went on to complete a GED. Read more......
HIV could be eliminated by 2030, scientists say
Researchers are calling it the "90-90-90" endgame. Read more......
Google bought up a bunch of patents so they didn't fall into the "wrong hands"
Last week, Google finished the Patent Purchase Promotion experiment which began in April. Read more......
Why do you remember something you once forgot?
Hopes&Fears answers questions with the help of people who know what they're talking about. Today, we talk to a memory researcher, a memory athlete, a psychologist and trauma psychotherapist. Read more......
Sure, you get richer as you get older... if you were born during the Great Depression
Who's got a time machine? Read more......
Biblical plague of locusts is destroying Russian farmland
Officials have declared a state of emergency in southern Russia where millions of locusts have terrorized farmlands. Read more......
This textile coating makes your sweat glow when you need a drink
SOAK, a sweat-sensitive textile coating, changes color depending on the acidity levels in your sweat. Read more......